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Troubleshooting & FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Common troubleshooting help articles and answers to the most frequently asked questions.
Why does the Fera app need these permissions for my Shopify store?
Why does the Fera app need these permissions for my Wix store?
How to only show the reviews for a specific product?
How to hide reviews from similar products?
Where do the store reviews appear on my website after I approve them?
Why aren't my reviews showing on my site?
Can I add reviews to one specific product page?
Why aren't my widget edits showing up on my site?
How to Remove Date from Review Widgets
Can I show reviews that are 3 stars or over?
Why aren’t all my Amazon reviews and ratings syncing?
Why does Fera need these permissions Google listings?
What's the difference between Google Shopping and Google Search?
How do I import my reviews?
How to Send a Product Review Request Using Klaviyo
How do I import my reviews from Google?
How do I make product ratings show in Google Shopping search results?
Google Shopping Product Grouping Limitations
How do I make product ratings show up in Google search results?
My google merchant account does not have a "product review" tab, it only has a "promotions" tab. What does that mean?
Why aren't my reviews showing in Google Shopping?
Product ratings not showing in Google search results
How do I import my reviews from the free Shopify app?
How to Send Store Review Requests Using Klaviyo
How do I import my reviews from Facebook?
How do I add my Etsy reviews?
How to Import Amazon Reviews
Does syncing reviews from Amazon violate Amazon's TOS?
What happens if I change the schedule for my review request trigger?
How do I change the discount on my review request email?
How do I change the design of my review request emails?
What the max file size limit for uploads?
What's the difference between a store review and a product review?
How do I exclude a customer from getting review requests?
How do I exclude a product from review requests?
How do I prevent Fera from asking for reviews for a certain product?
How do I prevent Fera from asking for reviews for a repeat product purchase?
Where do I find the Automatic Review Requests?
What do review requests look like for customers?
How do I customize my review request emails?
What happens if I exceed the maximum allowed spam reports?
What can I do to reduce spam reports?
How can I minimize spam reports?
How do I send my customers direct links to leave a review?
How to follow up with a customer to leave a review
How do I remove "Powered By Fera" branding?
How do I link a review(s) to a product?
Where do the product reviews appear on my website after I approve them?
How do I decline a review?
What happens if I get too many abuse reports?
What is considered a negative review in Fera?
What does Fera consider a positive review?
Can I remove the logo of a source review?