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How to hide the product reviews list when there are 0 reviews for the current product.

Jameela G avatar
Written by Jameela G
Updated over a week ago

If your eCommerce store is starting and you have products that don't have any reviews quite yet, you can hide the product review widget with Fera.

💡 Why hide widgets with zero reviews?

It's better to hide the widget with zero reviews than to show it. That's because 0 reviews create negative social proof (proof that your product isn't popular enough to buy!).

Follow this guide on how to hide these widgets on your eCommerce store.

If you don’t have any reviews, you can hide them on your eCommerce website.

  1. Start by going to the Fera app

  2. Click on the 'Product Review' widget

  3. Go to the 'Behavior' tab, and there you will see three options under 'When No Reviews…'.

When you have no product reviews, you can:

  1. You can choose to

    • Show Reviews from Other Products

    • Show All Reviews

    • Hide Entire Block

    • Still Show (0 Reviews)

Using this option will allow you to set up and customize your product review widget fully.

The best part about this option is that it won’t show on your eCommerce website until you get your first review for that product.

If you need help with anything, be sure to contact us with the chat button at the bottom right of your dashboard.

When you add Fera’s Average Rating Badge, you can hide it on your eCommerce website if you don't have any reviews.

  1. Log into your Fera dashboard

  2. Click on your Average Rating Badge widget

  3. Go to the Behavior tab

  4. Set the 'When no reviews…' to 'Hide'

5. Save and launch the skill!

This will allow you to set up and customize the Average Rating Badge fully, but it won’t be shown until your store receives reviews.

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