In order to provide the best results possible, Fera calculates the quality score based on several attributes, including:
Freshness - When was the review submitted? Generally speaking, newer reviews have a higher chance of ranking at the top. For instance, a review from 2 years ago is ranked lower than a review written yesterday
Photos and Videos - Are there any photos and videos in the review? The number of photos and videos attached has a diminishing effect. That is, 5 photos attached is ranked only slightly higher than 3 photos attached, but 1 photo attached is ranked much higher than 0.
Verification - Is the customer who wrote the review a verified buyer? In general, customers with verification rank higher than customers that don't have a verification badge.
Customer Transparency - Is the customer who wrote the review transparent about who they are? For example, anonymous reviews are considered a bit lower quality.
Textual Correctness - Reviews that don't have any text spelling and grammar mistakes are ranked higher.
Robustness - Does the review content have any details on why the customer felt this way?
Reply - Replies can have a massive impact on the sorting. Negative reviews that have an honest reply that address the initial concern are ranked lower than the ones without a reply. On the other hand, positive reviews that have a reply within the first few hours will be ranked higher than the ones without a reply.